Youth / young workers

This why projects, campaigns and educational material for this target group is of special importance. In our database, we have lots of projects, campaigns, competitions, websites, and more, addressing young people at work and vocational school on issues of safety and health.

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This initiative connects youth, local communities, and open-minded people from all over the world to collaboratively solve real-life challenges while using high-tech and indigenous knowledges. The Kabakoo Learning Experience equips young people in the Sahel with the skills to generate value by starting businesses, getting jobs, and stewarding climate-resilient communities.


The prevention program JMD Mental Health Coaches offers young people space for information, exchange of experiences and discussions on the topic of mental health.


In this comprehensive guide, we’re going to look at 20 of the best ways to put yourself in a position which stands out to employers. You can never guarantee you’re going to be the optimum candidate for a job – but by following the advice laid out here, you’re placing yourself in a position to get a one-up on the competition.

suva logo

Young people are curious and want to try things out. Caution is often secondary. With our information you can channel the arrogance of learners and show them where the dangers lie. Ensure that your apprenticeship period is safe so that no accidents thwart your protégés' future plans.


Each apprentice goes through different departments during their practical period in the supermarket. During on-site instruction, apprentices are made aware of the respective risks. Detailed information is provided in the state vocational schools in their own Spar academy classes, whose curriculum is tailored to work at Spar.

what works wellbeing logo

The group reporting the highest levels of loneliness in the UK is young people. Loneliness is increasingly recognised as a serious public health concern with robust links to mental and physical health, use of health and care services and early mortality.

Ungdomsbyen logo

It takes a lot of courage to be young today. Youth Town (“Ungdomsbyen”) gives students courage for citizenship and equips students and teachers to make sustainable choices that create value for themselves and others. Through our activities, Ungdomsbyen will contribute to young people and their teachers developing their knowledge of and desire to engage in a democratic society.

Ungdomsbyen logo

Youth Town (“Ungdomsbyen”) developed a process tool which can be used to adapt existing, or design new, activities with a sustainability focus.

Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljo logo

Health environment is an approach to health promotion in the workplace, where employees' health is promoted through the organisation, organization and content of the work. The vision for Sundhedsmiljø is that the work itself contributes to employees being healthier at the end of the working day than at the beginning of the working day.

sicherunterwegs logo

The "trafficsafety4you" program was specially developed for 14 to 18 year olds. It comprises four modules, each of which lasts four school hours and is carried out by experienced traffic psychologists in the presence of the class teachers. There is an alcohol module, a drugs and medication module, a distraction module and a tiredness and fitness to drive module in road traffic.


A set of preventive measures (technical, organizational, educational and other) with the aim of preventing occupational accidents, occupational diseases and other occupational health damage or reducing them to a minimum.

YEDI logo

Youth Development and Empowerment Initiative (YEDI) is an adolescent health organisation that educates, empowers, and inspires youth and community development in Nigeria using sound, proven models.

Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid logo

It is important to pay attention to safe and healthy work in (vocational) education. For workers to prevent personal suffering, injury and health problems. For companies, because healthy employees and sustainably employable workers are more productive, are less absent and can work longer.

YouthLink Scotland logo

YouthLink Scotland is committed to the role that Learning for Sustainability has in both a current and future practice as a youth work sector. On this website, you can find the current projects that YouthLink Scotland is supporting, resources on LfS and opportunities on how to get involved.

Lifelong Learning Platform logo

The Lifelong Learning Platform is an umbrella that gathers 42 European organisations active in the field of education, training and youth, coming from all over Europe and beyond.

Charlie Waller logo

Charlie Waller is one the UK’s most respected mental health charities, founded by the family of Charlie Waller who took his own life in 1997 whilst suffering from depression. The charity helps young people to understand their own mental health, to equip them to support themselves and those around them, and to empower them to talk more openly about the subject.

WorkSafe Saskatchewan logo

The YWRCC will help prepare young people for joining the job market for the first time. They will learn workplace health and safety and minimum legislation (e.g. for safety, pay and hours of work) he or she and their employer must follow.

Oklahoma Department of Labor logo

Teen workers are twice as likely to be injured on the job. The annual “Speak Out for Workplace Safety” video contest is underway. The contest is designed to increase awareness about safety for young workers.

WorkSafe Saskatchewan logo

Every year, approximately 4,000 Saskatchewan workers under the age of 25 are injured on the job. Three young workers die annually in a workplace incident. WorkSafe Sakatchewan initiated a video contest for high school students grade 9 – 12 to create a two-minute video to demonstrate workplace safety, health and injury prevention in an engaging way and be entered to win prizes for the team and school! WorkSafe Saskatchewan’s 2021 Youth video contest was offered with support from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).

Pilot project by the HSA

The Irish Health and Safety Authority (HSA) launched a pilot project in post-primary schools in the south-east and west of the country in September 2007. ‘Choose Safety’ is a teaching and learning resource pack for post- junior certificate students.

an interactive booklet

The interactive booklet “OSH! What a bright idea” is the result of the international project “Mind Safety - Safety Matters!”.

Teaching Young Workers About Job Safety and Health

Talking Safety, a foundation curriculum in occupational safety and health. This curriculum by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is the culmination of many years’ work by a consortium of partners dedicated to reducing occupational injuries and illnesses among youth.

Full Breath

"Volle Puste" (Full Breath) is a project by the Institute and Outpatient Clinic for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine at the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich.

Website For Construction Safety

This website by the BAR Bygge & Anlæg (Sectoral Working Environment Council on Building and Construction) aims to raise awareness and knowledge about safety ...

"Jugend will sich erleben" (Youth wants self-experience) is a project by German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) ...

Young Worker Safety

„HEADS UP – WORK SMART WORK SAFE“ is a project of WCB Worker’s Compensation Board in Alberta, Canada.

Website for young people at work

The website " (youth with job) is a project of the Danish working environment council BAR U&F ...

Health and Safety Courses, Training, Health and Safety Audits

This website by the British Safety Council offers lots of information and resources for young people and employers ...

Everyday there are more than 350,000 workers on the job in British Columbia. They might be ...

BGW logo

Education materials for vocational training

"An apprenticeship that fits" for four professional groups The BGW offers you materials that support you in your lessons. Topics include first aid, skin protection, hand hygiene and needlestick injuries. The BGW has put together brochures for the following apprenticeships: medical assistants, veterinary assistants, dental assistants and hairdressers.

Young Workers Zone, designed to help young people stay healthy and safe at work. Young people can get the information and tools they need in order to venture into the work world on a safe footing.

The Youth Engagement Toolkit is a free eBook, made to promote the importance of youth engagement for school health. The book is available online and additionl videos and interactive pages maximize the experience.

In this report, the concept of injury includes both unintentional and intentional injuries.

A project with papers and seminars for the promotion of health amongst children and teenagers.

Materials for initial vocational education and training to increase awareness of young workers for OSH. Several DVDs, awards activities and an internet portal. ...

The "Risk out!" campaign of the statutory accident insurance dedicated itself in the years 2010 and 2011 to safe driving and transport.

The violence prevention program „Echt stark“ was developed by Daniela Kreh and Jens Richter in 2002 and has been enhanced since then. Originally, it was a program for children and young people who are left alone with violence and boundlessness.

BGHM logo

Every beginning is difficult! Everyone has this experience in the course of their life and unfortunately the accident statistics also prove it: Young employees, and thus trainees as well, are exposed to a much higher risk of having an accident or becoming ill at an early age than their older colleagues. Anyone who enters a new environment exposes themselves to an increased risk.

This YouTube channel concentrates all ILO TV available worldwide, to fight child labour.

The Authority has completed extensive revisions and amendments to the ‘Choose Safety’ school text.

The safety package is offered by the Platform VMBO Building, Housing and Interior and Voion, the Employment & Training Fund for secondary education. The teachers have a tool to secure education and bring the students to learn how they can secure an internship.

“This is me” is a youth specific internet helpline and a youth prevention programme for schools consisting of several workshops on life skills development of young people.

SHNW is a transnational project presented by partners in Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, Greece and Romania that intends to transfer a innovative solutions to the problem of accide

Young Life Savers Club (your safety matters) is a subsidiary of Combined Training Solutions Limited (CTS), an international company with its core specialization in Health & Safety training and Consultancy.

Children are exposed to pesticides through their work or involvement in agricultural activities, which can harm their health and development. This course explains how children are

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