Violence prevention

Bullying, harassing and all forms of violence can be a big problem in Kindergarten and at school. This problem is often hard to handle or to prevent, so teachers, employees in child-care centres and the pupils themselves need help and training.

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The pilot phase of “#standup” was successfully completed in mid-2023 as part of an evaluation. The results show that raising awareness of the topic, promoting social-emotional skills, creating a guideline for action and using the reporting platform reduce the number of bullying cases and have a positive impact on school culture.
The students are strengthened in their confidence that bullying can be prevented or stopped.


The web platform offers tools for teachers and professionals to delve deeper into the topics of addiction and mental health with young people and to promote their life skills.

Department of Education

This non-statutory guidance outlines how schools can ensure their pupils understand how to stay safe and behave online as part of existing curriculum requirements. It complements existing subjects, including relationships education, relationships and sex education, health education, citizenship and computing.

ETUCE logo

The safety and health of teachers is a priority of ETUCE. ETUCE believes a school should be a safe, healthy and propitious place for teaching and learning. Schools are the workplace of teachers, but first and foremost they are educational institutions for young students.

EIS logo

The EIS has a long-standing commitment to anti-racism, and this year will strengthen and develop this work further.

YEDI logo

Youth Development and Empowerment Initiative (YEDI) is an adolescent health organisation that educates, empowers, and inspires youth and community development in Nigeria using sound, proven models.

Online Safety cover

Frontline workers in health, education and law enforcement provide essential services directly to the public.
They often work with people facing online safety issues and have a unique opportunity to help their patients, students or clients.

getting smart logo

An article highlighting school safety and security in the USA. “While acts of violence dominate the headlines and news cycles, educators work with students on a daily basis to confront issues that are even more significant. The number one concern amongst educators is not the probability of a catastrophic event, but rather the social and emotional challenges that our youth are forced to navigate in today’s day and age.”

Action for healthy kids logo

Are your students receiving quality physical education each day? A quality PE program that meets national guidelines is the cornerstone for a physically active school and helps support improved classroom behavior, physical fitness, and standardized test scores.

Education in Emergencies Working Group logo

This comprehensive policy intends to ensure that school safety and security are at the top of the agenda for government at all levels. The policy therefore proposes a zero-tolerance approach to any type of threat to the school environment, including any form of disaster; gang membership and activity; substance abuse or bullying; violence (including gender-based violence); and other hazards in and around schools, including attacks on schools due to conflicts and war.

Federal Ministry of Education Nigeria logo

The Federal Ministry of Education in Nigeria, Education in Emergencies and a couple of partner organizations developed this standard for school safety. The Minimum Standards for Safe Schools document targets the basic and senior secondary education levels operating as either private or public schools as weil as the non-formal sector in Nigeria.

Promotion of mental health through education

MindMatters originally comes from Australia and has been available to schools as a German-language version of MindMatters since 2003. Following MindMatters' success in secondary and primary education, the program now also supports vocational schools on their way to becoming good, healthy schools. With the teaching module “Fit for training and work!”, which has been available since 2015.

Källby Gård is a comprehensive school with children from 1 to 12 years old.

Hands-on design of spaces – building with clay for all, big and small

With its "hands-on design of spaces" scheme, Bunte Kuh e.V. regularly conducts different architectural projects using clay, water and fire in problem districts and in education facilities.

This website offers information on many different hazards at work, training courses on various topics, frequently asked questions and the possibility to ask questions.

Safety 4 Kids is a non-profit organisation designed to help kids make better decisions about their personal safety. The campaign website covers several topics, such as road safety, bullying, pool safety, internet safety, and more.

A publication by the Europesan Trade Union Committee für Education (ETUCE) an cyber harassment in education and protection of teachers agaunst cyber bullying.

Preventing Workplace Violence is a campaign developed by the WorkSafeBC (the Workers’ Compensation Board of B.C). It aims at providing employers and workers with tools to reduce workplace violence

This video weaves together personal testimonials from workers, supervisors, and business leaders with scenes from our bullying and harassment in construction series.

The first project on violence in schools focused on raising awareness to all ETUCE member organisations regarding violence at school which not only endangers pupils but all those working in the education system.

KiVa Koulu® is an anti-bullying action program developed at the University of Turku - according to research, one of the most effective. The objectives of the program are the prevention of bullying, the effective intervention of bullying situations and continuous monitoring.

„Fit for Life“ is an evaluated programme carried out by well-trained trainers. It aims at violence prevention by supporting and developing social- and life competence. Emotional- cognitive abilities and social capabilities are trained.

The website of the Criminal Prevention Association in Flensburg, Germany, provided contact information of information centers in many cities all over Germany.

Papilio is an intervention programme which aims at preventing early onset conduct problems ...

HEALTH PROMOTION AND PREVENTION WITH CLASS2000 Healthy, strong and self-confident – ​​this is how children should grow up.

This project by The Municipal Accident Insurance Association, Communal Accident Kitty Lower Saxony, in association with State Office of Criminal Investigation Lower Saxony is a program for violence prevention for children day-care centres and schools.

OUTWARD BOUND offers schools, colleges and interested young people powerful learning experiences - outdoors. We focus on the educational objectives and develop mental needs with programmes that change lives, build teams and transform schools.

This program wants to introduce democratic principles to children, young people and adults. By the means of playful activities, a „qualitative idea of democracy“ is supposed to be aroused in the participants of several ages.

„Achtung Grenze (Mind the boundaries!) is a project by the German Child Protection Agency Nuremberg for pupils from the 1st to the 9th grade. Project classes get lessons for about 17 hours.

“Eigenständig werden” is a school-based programme for the development of life-skills, health promotion, prevention of substance abuse and aggression. Many studies have shown that the prevention of e.

This program for pupils aged 10 – 13 years is designed as a de-escalation training and aims at decreasing „everyday violence“. This and „small“ beastlinesses can sometimes cause bigger violence.

The POLTRAIN team offers a training for de-escalation of violence and racism. The participants learn to perceive their own acting in a different way, to examine and correct it.

„Respekt“ is an initiative originally located in Ludwigsburg. It aims at violence prevention at school. A resource- and solution- oriented prevention concept suitable for all forms of violence (beating, threatening, bullying, vandalism, racism, extortion) is offered.

This program wants to enhance ethical thinking and acting by using theater work. Leading idea is „peer education“. An „action team“ consisting of eight young people of different nationalities performs little theater- scenes directly in class rooms.

The violence prevention program „Echt stark“ was developed by Daniela Kreh and Jens Richter in 2002 and has been enhanced since then. Originally, it was a program for children and young people who are left alone with violence and boundlessness.

„Of course I am strong!“ is an interactive scene collage that is performed in schools to prevent different forms of addiction and for violence prevention.

This project is suitable for children and young pupils. The pupils are sensitised for the topics violence and racism. They try non-violent conflict handling and learn how to treat each other with respect.

This prevention program offers methods for achieving the right of pupils and teachers as well. They are supposed to work together with respect and learn how to deal with conflicts without violence.

„Fairplayer e.V.“ and „Fairplayer.manual“ (established 2003) are long term programmes aiming at developing pro-social behaviour, respect for each other, moral courage and social competence ...

A prevention programme for promoting the class atmosphere in primary schools.

Online bullying can become a serious burden for young people. That's what the members of the klicksafe Youth Panel thought too and developed the cyberbullying first aid app. This has meanwhile won several international prizes ...

There are many resources and programs that are approved by the International Safe schools Committee to assist in fulfilling the Indicators for Safe schools.

The Fondazione Mondo Digitale is a partner of the new 24-MONTH European REC Programme Project GEM - Gender Equality Matters: Tackling Gender-based Violence".

This Centre for school and Safety gives current and practical information through their website,

The "school without Violence" social program was conducted in Polish schools in 2006-2013 by 18 regional dailies of Polska Press Grupa (until 2015: Polskapresse and Media Regionalne) and the Orange Foundation (formerly TP Group Foundation).

The Cronus camp is a violence prevention camp organized by experienced experts for the Kanton Zug. On the basis of respect for each others, the children get to know several martial arts techniques.

Anti-bullying resource pack for schools, youth clubs and community groups to help tackle bullying in fun and engaging and informative ways.

In the United Kingdom, a reported 22% of children and young people claim to have been the target of cyberbullying making this one of the most important new areas of behaviour to understand and to equip schools, carers and young people with the ability to respond.

Childnet’s mission is to work in partnership with others around the world to help make the internet a great and safe place for children. The network works directly with children and young people from the ages of 3 to 18 on a weekly basis, as well as ...

Awareness raising activities and workshops are run during the school year to support students understanding and management of potentially unsafe or concerning situations including bullying, Internet safety, domestic violence and many more.

This project offers information, advice training and school programmes to raise awareness on bullying, offer help and give advice.

A couple of websites that offer information, advice and help in case of bullying or cyber-bullying, for different age groups: 4-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14 years or 15-18 years. ThinkUnited Kingdomnow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a United Kingdom organisation which protects children both online and offline.

The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program is designed to improve peer relations and make schools safer, more positive places for students to learn and develop.

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