Teacher training / education of childcare professionals

Education at school has lots of boundary points with issues of safety and health: healthy food, environment and physical education as well as road safety, safety at school and at work, and last but not least violence prevention.
The projects listed here are of different kinds: courses, training materials, campaigns - in the scope of the university studies of teachers as well as in the scope of their work at school or as independent learning resources such as e-learning platforms.

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Teachers and learners face ever greater challenges in their everyday school life. It is therefore important to do more for health, the school climate and shared learning success by establishing health-promoting ideas in primary and secondary schools.


Good schools also consciously focus on health promotion and prevention. Because they know that successful learning and working is easier when teachers and learners are healthy and feel good. The handbook provides extensive inspiration for school quality development that is committed to a comprehensive understanding of health promotion and prevention. This is based on the belief that integrated health and quality promotion can support schools in fulfilling their social educational and educational mission more effectively.

schulentwicklung CH

The most important resource of every school are competent, motivated and healthy school management, teachers and students. Good schools “live” from everyone taking part in making the school a health-preserving place to learn and work. If strengths are used as resources, educational relationships are consciously cultivated and the school climate is taken care of, the chances are good for a school with a positive educational impact.


If school management, teachers and other school employees act professionally and with awareness of their physical and mental health, they have a positive influence on the school climate and the quality of teaching. The students in particular benefit from this.


University students often find themselves surrounded by the buzz of new technology – and artificial intelligence (AI) is no exception. With endless possibilities for its use, AI can make our lives easier and more enjoyable if used correctly. Unfortunately, unequal access to educational resources means that not everyone has an accurate understanding of responsible AI usage.


The web platform offers tools for teachers and professionals to delve deeper into the topics of addiction and mental health with young people and to promote their life skills.


Since the generative AI ChatGPT became available to the general public at the end of 2022, many people have been thinking about the impact of AI on the school system. How will AI fundamentally change education and learning? Some fear that nobody will learn anything in the future if artificial intelligence spits out all the answers at the touch of a button. Others see AI as a helpful tool to better prepare school content and make lessons more modern and appealing.

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AI4T is an Erasmus+ K3 project designed by France, Slovenia, Italy, Ireland and Luxembourg to contribute to training on AI in education for and by teachers and school leaders on a perimeter voluntarily restricted to mathematics, science and modern English language in high school (pupils aged 15-16). A project officially launched on 28 February 2021 for an action to be conducted over 36 months.


This course will help you improve your digital competencies to efficiently teach with/for AI and integrate it into your classes. Working in teams, doing personalized projects and learning through direct experience with different AI tools, this hands-on course combines academic high-level knowledge even with some cultural discoveries.

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Code School Finland helps teachers and schools to teach coding, robotics and AI in a way that promotes the development of the 21st century skills. It improves student learning and supports teachers' professional development.

education estonia

In 2012 Estonia launched the ProgeTiger programme to create interest in technology and improve technological literacy and digital competence of teachers and students. Various courses and training have been undertaken to this end, including programming, robotics and 3D technology, which have proved to be very popular.


Leveraging technology, Schoolinka is designing exciting professional development opportunities for teachers. We are solving the problem of lack of teacher quality by creating online learning experiences and in-person workshops for teachers. Teachers can now learn easily and affordably from anywhere.

Department of Education

This non-statutory guidance outlines how schools can ensure their pupils understand how to stay safe and behave online as part of existing curriculum requirements. It complements existing subjects, including relationships education, relationships and sex education, health education, citizenship and computing.

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This report contains an analysis of the effective use of learner-generated data with a specific focus on teacher training. The use of learner-generated data in research is coined Learning Analytics.

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The OSH encyclopedia is an internet encyclopedia that serves as a tool for orientation in the terminology of occupational health and safety and related areas. At the same time, it also serves as a translation dictionary.

intercultural classroom

UGT Public Services promotes the Intercultural Classroom project with the interest of facilitating teacher training, teaching materials, research, workshops with the students, awareness campaigns, publications to advance in the construction of an education in pursuit of respect and coexistence between different cultures.

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The safety and health of teachers is a priority of ETUCE. ETUCE believes a school should be a safe, healthy and propitious place for teaching and learning. Schools are the workplace of teachers, but first and foremost they are educational institutions for young students.

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This joint commitment reflects the ambition of both the EIS and the Scottish Government to empower teachers and schools in minimising the damage that poverty does to the education and life-chances of too many of Scotland’s children.

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Health-promoting leadership training in day-care centres.

UK Rheinland Pfalz logo

Far too many children have accidents every year in school sports, whose injuries could have been prevented with the right preparation for lessons and the right forms of exercise, games or organization. With the web application schulsportideen.de, the Unfallkasse Rheinland-Pfalz gives physical education teachers a tool that provides basic theoretical information on school sports and the right content for safe and attractive physical education classes.

UCL Logo

A project within the PGCE (teacher-training) programme at UCL's Institute of Education is promoting sustainability across the secondary school curriculum by developing teachers’ knowledge and skills.

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Do you want to further develop your didactic and methodical skills? Would you like to know where your individual strengths as a trainer lie? Are you also interested in finding out where you can still improve? Based on the requirement profile for lecturers, your individual strengths and development potential are worked out in the trainer profile analysis.

Utah SBoE logo

The Utah State Board of Education (USBE), in coordination with stakeholders, has made Safe and Healthy Schools a board priority. The Utah School Safety Framework includes 9 Conditions that schools may follow to create comprehensive safe and healthy school policies, plans, protocols, and partnerships.

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Using the ever-popular Napo character, EU-OSHA (the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work), together with the Napo Consortium, has devised a series of occupational safety and health (OSH) lessons for teachers, aimed at introducing safety and health topics to primary school students in an educational, yet fun and imaginative way using Napo video clips.

Saskatchewan Administration logo

Website with a large amount of material for safety and wellbeing of students, teaching tools and materials for teachers.

Robert Bosch Stiftung logo

What is the impact of digitalization or automation on people, on the way we learn at educational institutions and live together in society? And what will our future workplaces look like?

Introducing safety and health in education: Study resources for teachers

Using the ever-popular Napo character, EU-OSHA, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, together with the Napo Consortium has devised a series of occupational safety and health (OSH) education toolkits for teachers ...

Teacher training by the HSA

The Health and Safety Authority (UK) is supporting an initiative of the second level support service for technology teachers to provide training to all 1800 technology teachers in the second level system.

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Education materials for vocational training

"An apprenticeship that fits" for four professional groups The BGW offers you materials that support you in your lessons. Topics include first aid, skin protection, hand hygiene and needlestick injuries. The BGW has put together brochures for the following apprenticeships: medical assistants, veterinary assistants, dental assistants and hairdressers.

According to a ministerial order for vocational education and training, education must contribute to the student’s understanding of a good work environment. The teachers responsible for vocational education and training do not necessarily have any particular skills in teaching about the work environment.

The first project on violence in schools focused on raising awareness to all ETUCE member organisations regarding violence at school which not only endangers pupils but all those working in the education system.

The tool is suitable for educational staff in a wide variety of educational establishments, such as preschool educational establishments, schools, training schools and universities

This area includes, in particular, measures for the qualification of teachers for physical education in elementary and special schools ...

The Directive on Safety at schools of North Rhine-Westphalia (RISU-NRW) introduced the position of a commissioner for dangerous substances at schools, who has the responsibilities of the head of school with regards to management of dangerous substances.

A puppet theatre play for children promoting healthy nutrition for kids.

Around eight percent of the accidents that schoolchildren suffer happen on the way to school. Especially when changing from elementary school to secondary school, the way to school is often longer and therefore particularly dangerous.

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Every beginning is difficult! Everyone has this experience in the course of their life and unfortunately the accident statistics also prove it: Young employees, and thus trainees as well, are exposed to a much higher risk of having an accident or becoming ill at an early age than their older colleagues. Anyone who enters a new environment exposes themselves to an increased risk.

The European Workplace Tutor is a qualification profile and training programme which aims at equipping in-company trainers with the competences they need to plan, deliver and evaluate training, to guide learning processes at the workplace, to assess individual and organisational training requirements and respond to them.

The "school without Violence" social program was conducted in Polish schools in 2006-2013 by 18 regional dailies of Polska Press Grupa (until 2015: Polskapresse and Media Regionalne) and the Orange Foundation (formerly TP Group Foundation).

This case describes how teachers are involved in the planning and implementation of a health and safety art competition. The competition aims to raise awareness of OSH among teachers and head teachers as well as pupils.

The Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB) carries out activities in the area of promotion of safety culture and training and education.

Sveral curricula for safety and health in schools of the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education,University of Maribor, Faculty of Education.

Teaching can be a rewarding but challenging profession. Pupils have different experiences and abilities, and come from various backgrounds. Therefore it’s particularly challenging for teachers not only to educate pupils, but also to control behavior, maintain a positive learning environment and ensure students’ health, safety and wellbeing.

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As a teacher who teaches young people in the various nursing professions, you do invaluable preventive work every day for the professionals of tomorrow. Many work-related dangers and illnesses affecting nursing staff can be prevented at an early stage by suitable technical, organizational and personal preventive measures.

ILO online access platform to legal research and training for developing countries.Researchers, law students, policymakers, judges and legal experts in low- and middle-income countries can now get free or low-cost online access to legal information and training from the world’s leading academic publishers.

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