Safe and healthy school / preschool / university

It starts with healthy nutrition and healthy behavior in everyday life, as well as at preschool and school, from an early stage until the end of childhood. Healthy children with an attitude for environmental issues and sustainability are very important, and knowledge and education on these topics are crucial.

A couple of projects, campaigns and courses all over Europe deal with this topic, so please have a look at our selection of good practice examples!


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SSLAG is a compliance driven initiative that is developed as a follow up on the 10 Standard School Safety Guidelines that were initially launched in 2013 by the Lagos State Government.


This report presents the UNESCO global Happy Schools framework consisting of 4 pillars – people, process, place and principles – and 12 high-level criteria to guide the transformation of learning. It offers a holistic model for embedding happiness into education policies and cultivating it in schools through systemic changes.


The central goal of the GUS study was to identify the causes of accidents and injuries in the school environment. Analyses of accidents based on accident statistics provide valuable information. However, they cannot be used to establish causal inferences. This is due to the fact that these statistics only contain information on people who have had an accident. Thus, a comparison with a "control group" that has not suffered an accident or injury is not feasible.


The HOORAY(Youth for Youth’s Mental Health through Physical Activity) project aims to address this challenge by exploring the impact and positive influence physical activity and sport can have on improving the overall well-being and mental health of young people.

climate ambassadors

The Climate Ambassadors scheme exists to provide free expertise and support to nurseries, schools and colleges to develop and deliver impactful climate action plans.


Teachers and learners face ever greater challenges in their everyday school life. It is therefore important to do more for health, the school climate and shared learning success by establishing health-promoting ideas in primary and secondary schools.

Bildungsserver MV

Since 2003, public schools in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania have been participating in the “Good Healthy School MV State Program”, which was initially called “”. The aim of the program is to support schools on their way to becoming a healthy place for teaching and learning to sustainably improve and shape health conditions for everyone involved.

Senatsverwaltung BJF Berlin

Since 2003, the state program “Good Healthy Schools” has been supporting Berlin schools that want to set out to give mental and physical health special attention in everyday school life. Health promotion improves job and school satisfaction and, conversely, working and learning conditions influence the health of everyone involved in school.


Studies show that children who enjoy going to school and feel comfortable there have better conditions for their school success. Health and well-being – among students and teachers – are essential conditions for educational quality. In order to achieve good educational results, not only healthy students but also healthy teachers and non-teaching staff who enjoy their work are required. Health education is a fundamental part of the educational mission and health promotion of all members of the school family is an indispensable element of sustainable school development.

Green Ginger

The Research and Test Lab (RATLab) introduces young people to biomechanics and the importance of bone, joint and muscle health. It uses a combination of science, hi-tech projections and puppetry devised by theatre company Green Ginger. During a visit to RATLab, children interact with a team of engaging characters – mostly rats, dogs and pigs – who use engineering to solve everyday problems.


Student Wellbeing is the core element of life at Young High School. The focus of this strategy is the adoption of the ‘Mind Matters' program across the school for all students. ‘Mind Matters is a mental health initiative for secondary schools that aims to improve the mental health and wellbeing of young people.


Good schools also consciously focus on health promotion and prevention. Because they know that successful learning and working is easier when teachers and learners are healthy and feel good. The handbook provides extensive inspiration for school quality development that is committed to a comprehensive understanding of health promotion and prevention. This is based on the belief that integrated health and quality promotion can support schools in fulfilling their social educational and educational mission more effectively.

li Hamburg

School health promotion measures are more effective the more they are integrated into a “healthy school” concept. This is the concept of Hamburg.

Bildungsserver RLP

Health is an important prerequisite for education and education is an important prerequisite for health awareness and health behavior. Health is therefore a central resource for achieving the educational mission of schools. This applies directly to students, but also to teachers. Good schools also consciously focus on health promotion and prevention. Because they know that successful learning and working is easier when teachers and learners are healthy and feel good.


GrundGesund - an information portal from the BZgA to support health promotion in primary schools and the model project "Health examinations in primary schools"

A good, healthy school agrees on its educational and upbringing mission, implements it successfully and thus makes a contribution to education for sustainable development. It demonstrates good qualities in the following areas and ensures their constant and sustainable improvement through school development.


Health and educational success are closely related. Good nutrition, sufficient exercise and health-conscious behavior are prerequisites for students to feel comfortable in their learning environment and to be able to learn better. The state program “Good Healthy Schools” has been supporting schools in the state of Brandenburg since 2017 and aims to more closely interlink the quality of education and school health promotion as part of sustainable school and teaching development.


In the present specialist concept "Developing good schools with health" (BG/GUV-SI 8097), safety and health promotion are intended to contribute to increasing the quality in general and vocational schools. The concept follows the approach of integrated health and quality development with the motto "Good Healthy School" and represents the technical reference basis for the further development of school prevention work.

schulentwicklung CH

The most important resource of every school are competent, motivated and healthy school management, teachers and students. Good schools “live” from everyone taking part in making the school a health-preserving place to learn and work. If strengths are used as resources, educational relationships are consciously cultivated and the school climate is taken care of, the chances are good for a school with a positive educational impact.


Purzelbaum (Somersault) brings momentum into everyday kindergarten life.
Using simple and practical means, Purzelbaum ensures more exercise and healthy nutrition in kindergarten.


The web platform offers tools for teachers and professionals to delve deeper into the topics of addiction and mental health with young people and to promote their life skills.

future classroom lab logo

The report “Teacher Survey: Sound in schools and its impact on learning and teachers’ wellbeing” captures the results of a pan-European survey conducted by European Schoolnet under its Future Classroom Lab initiative with the financial assistance of Saint-Gobain Ecophon.


Health and safety is of utmost importance across higher education and research. Universities and research institutes are dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and innovation, often involving complex experiments, hazardous materials, and advanced technologies.
MI TALENT has published a new national report that reveals unprecedented insights into how technical staff in higher education and research support critical health and safety activities in September 2023.
It evidences that skilled, specialised technical professionals are vital to the safe running of institutions and publishes ten recommendations for employers, technicians and professional bodies to ensure the technical workforce is supported to maintain safe research and teaching spaces.
This report was informed by a survey of technical staff, academics, professional services staff, senior leaders, and undergraduate and postgraduate students working and/ or studying in higher education
or research institutes in the UK alongside interviews with technical staff with a role in health and safety.

oshc logo

The objective of the International Safe School Program, under the framework of the World Health Organization (WHO) Safe Community initiative, is to apply the best practices of proven injury prevention programs to protect the safety and health of teachers, staff, students and visitors in school environment. A safe school environment can foster safety awareness among students during their juvenile education. This will help planting the seed of a positive safety culture in our community.

Healthy Learners logo

The model is integrated into the structures and systems of the Government and leverages existing personnel, making it highly efficient to scale and sustain. The Ministry of Education has established a new department for School Health and Nutrition, which is the Government’s vehicle to scale and sustain our work.

Student Health Service logo

The Health Promoting School (HPS) framework promulgated by the World Health Organization aims to strengthen a school's capacity as a healthy setting for living, learning and working through a concerted effort of all its members and the community. The framework has been adopted in many countries and places around the world. It is found to be effective to improve the physical, mental and social health of the students in school settings.
The word “Whole” coveys the core value of the “Whole School Health Programme (全校園健康計劃)” in three perspectives, namely a whole-school approach, comprehensive health information, and a long-term development. The programme name resonates with the advocacy of multi-stakeholder engagement, diverse health themes including Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, Mental Health and Social Well-Being, and sustainability of health promotion in school setting.


The study “Health behavior and accidents in school age” (Gesundheitsverhalten und Unfallgeschehen im Schulalter
- GUS), duration November 2013 – June 2021, is one of the largest child and youth studies in Germany, which is also designed as a longitudinal study. As part of GUS, the health and accident biographies of 10,000 students nationwide from the fifth to the tenth grade were traced in order to determine the causes of accidents and injuries in the school context, but also of unhealthy behavior.


Fit for Life is UNESCO's sport-based flagship designed to accelerate COVID-19 recovery, support inclusive and integrated policy making, and enhance the wellbeing of youth around the world.

BIK logo

The Better Internet for Kids portal provides information, guidance and resources on better internet issues from the joint Insafe-INHOPE network of Safer Internet Centres in Europe, and other key stakeholders.

Aalborg University logo

CapFoodS is the meeting place for Captive Foodscape Studies community. It contains news, events and other important information in the growing field of Captive Foodscape Studies (CFS) Foodscape studies is a growing area of research among scientists engaged in the study of foodways and it claims to be offering a well suited conceptual foundation that can be used to accommodate the holistic approach that is needed to understand the complex social interactions taking place in relation to eating in an early age in preschool.

ILT Educator logo

Polylino provides nursery practitioners and managers with a multilingual digital library aligned with the EYFS and Key Stage One curriculums which can be used to support language and literacy development in the nursery and at home.

ingenieur_de logo

Formaldehyde is used in medical fields such as pathology, human and veterinary anatomy for the fixation, preservation and storage of human or animal tissue. In November 2014, the Committee on Hazardous Substances adopted a workplace limit value (AGW) for formaldehyde, which also applies to workplaces in anatomical institutes at German universities, but is not always complied with.

DGUV logo

Only when it is warm is there a risk for the skin? Incorrect. In fact, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation in our latitudes increases significantly as early as spring. This increases the risk of sunburn - and the associated skin damage that can lead to cancer.

DGUV logo

With mole and dragonfly against sunburn
Skin protection is important almost all year round, because ultraviolet radiation from the sun can damage the skin considerably, especially sensitive children's skin.

DGUV logo

The sun is an important health factor because it helps the body to form vitamin D, ensures a healthy sleep-wake cycle and regulates our body temperature. It gives energy and puts you in a good mood.

SPF logo

A game to raise awareness of the importance of good posture and the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders. In this game developed for young people in the 3rd cycle of secondary education, the hero “Flexaminator” fights musculoskeletal disorders.

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The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) among children and adolescents is quite high and many young people enter the labour force with pre-existing musculoskeletal problems which can potentially be exacerbated by work.


A website presenting information and ideas for a healthier nutrition.

German Accident Insurance

On this website, run by German Accident Insurance, children, pupils and other visitors can click through a unique virtual model of a school, to find risks, prevent accidents and to find out more about hazards. For a safe and healthy school for everyone.

ETUCE logo

The safety and health of teachers is a priority of ETUCE. ETUCE believes a school should be a safe, healthy and propitious place for teaching and learning. Schools are the workplace of teachers, but first and foremost they are educational institutions for young students.

EIS logo

The EIS has a long-standing commitment to anti-racism, and this year will strengthen and develop this work further.

Guidelines cover

The Education Guidelines for the World of Work was produced by the Directorate-General for Education (DGE) of the Ministry of Education of Portugal, in collaboration with national partner entities: Authority for Working Conditions (ACT), Office of the International Labour Organization for Portugal (ILO Lisbon), National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education (ANQEP), Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP).
The document is part of the set of guiding documents provided in the National Strategy for Citizenship Education aiming to contribute to the achievement of the Students’ Profile by the End of Compulsory Schooling, a document that establishes the matrix of principles, values, and competence areas to which the development of the national curriculum must conform.

fuehr gesund logo

Health-promoting leadership training in day-care centres.

BGW logo

Complete administrative tasks faster and easier. Reduce workload and achieve more time with the children.

BGW logo

No education without health: On site advisement in the BGWmobil truck on the subject of safety and health

Clean Cities logo

Cities are where the negative impacts of traffic and congestion are most obvious. Air pollution, mostly from diesel vehicles, is a public health emergency and responsible for around 300,000 early deaths across Europe each year. The road transport sector is one of the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions driving up dangerous global heating.

Eco Schools logo

Eco-Schools is a growing phenomenon, which encourages young people to engage in their environment by allowing them the opportunity to actively protect it. It starts in the classroom, it expands to the school and eventually fosters change in the community at large. Through this programme, young people experience a sense of achievement at being able to have a say in the environmental management policies of their schools, ultimately steering them towards certification and the prestige which comes with being awarded a Green Flag. The Eco-Schools programme is an ideal way for schools to embark on a meaningful path towards improving the environment in both the school and the local community while at the same time having a life-long positive impact on the lives of young people, their families, school staff and local authorities.

Morriston PrimarySchool logo

Pupils were shown a replica living room containing numerous trip hazards including trailing wires, children’s toys strewn across the floor, blankets draped over furniture and a loose rug – all of which could have the potential to cause a fall.

Midcoast Council logo

Schools across the region are embracing MidCoast Council's initiative in installing 'kiss and ride' zones to help provide parents with a clear and safe place to drop children off each morning. The kiss and ride zones marked with blue signage, have been installed already at Forster Public School, Tuncurry Public School and Holy Name School in Forster. They will be progressively rolled out across the MidCoast.

schools climate action planner logo

Transform Our World and its partners have developed this free, easy-to-use digital tool to enable teachers, students and staff to identify actions they can take to reduce their school's environmental impact. After answering some yes or no questions, the tool will show you the personalised actions that would have the greatest impact at your school by pointing to resources, initiatives and programmes from various organisations.

UK Rheinland Pfalz logo

Far too many children have accidents every year in school sports, whose injuries could have been prevented with the right preparation for lessons and the right forms of exercise, games or organization. With the web application, the Unfallkasse Rheinland-Pfalz gives physical education teachers a tool that provides basic theoretical information on school sports and the right content for safe and attractive physical education classes.

YEDI logo

Youth Development and Empowerment Initiative (YEDI) is an adolescent health organisation that educates, empowers, and inspires youth and community development in Nigeria using sound, proven models.

bvpg logo

For more than ten years, the prevention program "Treasure Hunt", developed by the Hamburg Working Group for Health Promotion e.V. (HAG), has been successfully implemented in day-care centers to strengthen the resilience and mental health of children.

SHE Masters logo

TOOLBOX TALK with S.H.E Masters is a safety talk show which invites safety professional, organisations, and the public to discuss issues of safety across all industries. The main aim of the program is to simplify safety information by making it understandable and relevant to all people formal and non-formal, young, and old with more emphasis on learning best practices from national and international best practices.

PassaPortugal logo

PASSAPORTUGAL was born on the initiative of GONKSYS , as a promoting company, and from the will of the associated Partners, all sharing the common desire to contribute to the education of the youngest, those who are the future of our society!

Utah SBoE logo

The Utah State Board of Education (USBE), in coordination with stakeholders, has made Safe and Healthy Schools a board priority. The Utah School Safety Framework includes 9 Conditions that schools may follow to create comprehensive safe and healthy school policies, plans, protocols, and partnerships.

Digital devices logo

In January 2020, Virginia legislators passed House Bill 817 requiring the Department of Education (VDOE), in collaboration with the Department of Health and medical professional societies, to develop health and safety guidelines related to the use of digital devices in the classroom. The VDOE convened a Digital Devices in the Classroom Workgroup to develop guidelines.

Department of Education logo

There are a number of physical health and safety matters to consider when using technology devices within schools including use of wireless networks, ergonomics, using interactive whiteboards and projectors and the risk of photosensitive epilepsy.

getting smart logo

An article highlighting school safety and security in the USA. “While acts of violence dominate the headlines and news cycles, educators work with students on a daily basis to confront issues that are even more significant. The number one concern amongst educators is not the probability of a catastrophic event, but rather the social and emotional challenges that our youth are forced to navigate in today’s day and age.”

Shools for Health in Europe logo

Schools for help in Europe provides more than 60 practical examples of health promotion in education from various European countries.

Education in Emergencies Working Group logo

This comprehensive policy intends to ensure that school safety and security are at the top of the agenda for government at all levels. The policy therefore proposes a zero-tolerance approach to any type of threat to the school environment, including any form of disaster; gang membership and activity; substance abuse or bullying; violence (including gender-based violence); and other hazards in and around schools, including attacks on schools due to conflicts and war.

Lifelong Learning Platform logo

The Lifelong Learning Platform is an umbrella that gathers 42 European organisations active in the field of education, training and youth, coming from all over Europe and beyond.

Shools for Health in Europe logo

A Methodological Guidebook to become a health promoting school. In December 2019, SHE released a new version of the old "SHE Online School Manual". The old manual needed an update as today it is recommended to move from a focus on schools only to the integration of schools and their surrounding community services, sports clubs, hospitals, workplace etc.

Shools for Health in Europe logo

European Health Promoting Schools Standards & Indicators address a need for accessible and usable quality standards that fill the gap between what is the current practice in health-promoting schools and what would be the optimal practice in health-promoting schools across different European countries and different national health-promoting school models.

Federal Ministry of Education Nigeria logo

The Federal Ministry of Education in Nigeria, Education in Emergencies and a couple of partner organizations developed this standard for school safety. The Minimum Standards for Safe Schools document targets the basic and senior secondary education levels operating as either private or public schools as weil as the non-formal sector in Nigeria.

Shools for Health in Europe logo

A selection of examples of practice in health promoting schools in different countries on the website of the "Schools for Health in Europe Foundation (SHE)".

Napo logo

Using the ever-popular Napo character, EU-OSHA (the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work), together with the Napo Consortium, has devised a series of occupational safety and health (OSH) lessons for teachers, aimed at introducing safety and health topics to primary school students in an educational, yet fun and imaginative way using Napo video clips.

Saskatchewan Administration logo

Website with a large amount of material for safety and wellbeing of students, teaching tools and materials for teachers.

national education union logo

A short film about the importance of ventilation in schools, not just for Covid, but for education more widely.

WorkSafe Saskatchewan logo

Every year, approximately 4,000 Saskatchewan workers under the age of 25 are injured on the job. Three young workers die annually in a workplace incident. WorkSafe Sakatchewan initiated a video contest for high school students grade 9 – 12 to create a two-minute video to demonstrate workplace safety, health and injury prevention in an engaging way and be entered to win prizes for the team and school! WorkSafe Saskatchewan’s 2021 Youth video contest was offered with support from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).

A comic character for safety and health

Upsi is a comic character, created by the Accident Insurance Berlin ...

School development award

The school development award „Good healthy school“ is an initiative of the Statutory accident insurance for the public sector in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Master Trust

Güven Usta ("Master Trust") is a comic character, designed and produced by Murat Çokal for the Turkish Ministry of Labour and Social Security.

Ar and Mi is a project from Denmark featuring two trolls, who are supposed to help teachers to teach about Safety and Health.

A Project by the Government of Castilla y León

The “¡ A salvo!” (Safe!) campaign directed at primary education students aged from 6 to 12 years in all schools in Castilla y León and was developed to increase the children's awareness and attention to safety.

Youth Employment Educational Outreach Game

Paying Attention Pays is a fun, innovative, interactive, educational and rewarding game ...

In April 2005, the primary school Zachar Kroměřiž in the Czech Republic was announced International Safe School.

Källby Gård is a comprehensive school with children from 1 to 12 years old.

Registered Foundation for Listening by HR and BR

“Safe School with PZU” is organized under the patronage of the Ministry of National Education and Sport, National Road Safety Council (NRSC), Main Police Command, and

Everyday school activity and programme contains such activities that lead the pupils into positive changes of the attitude towards one another, the environment, to maintain good re

The tool is suitable for educational staff in a wide variety of educational establishments, such as preschool educational establishments, schools, training schools and universities

OIRA tools for working with children in schools and nursery homes, developed in Spain, Croatia and Europe. When working with children, nursery teachers are exposed to various work-

Anschub is the alliance for sustainable school health and education in Germany. This campaign is an initiative of the Bertelsmann Foundation, from 2010 a newly formed association will continue the activities independently.

Can children and teenagers discriminate safe from dangerous behaviours?

The e-learning platform Integral II by the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics (IAW) of the RWTH Aachen offers several courses for industrial engineering and ergonom

Around eight percent of the accidents that schoolchildren suffer happen on the way to school. Especially when changing from elementary school to secondary school, the way to school is often longer and therefore particularly dangerous.

Upsi is a comic character, created by the Accident Insurance Berlin to rise awareness for OSH topics in a playful way. Eight books and one radio play have been released until now.

Upsi is a comic character, created by the Accident Insurance Berlin to rise awareness for OSH topics in a playful way. Eight books and one radio play have been released until now.

At Erich-Gutenberg-Berufskolleg, all parties are committed to a healthy learning culture, because good health is the basic condition of teaching and learning.

The Report "Movement and learning – the concept of moving schools” (“Bewegte Schulen”) by Gerold Brägger, Heinz Hundeloh, Norbert Posse and Hermann Städtler is supposed to promote the concept for improvement of children’s health by sports and physical activities at school.

The German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the public sector in Hesse has picked up this important topic in volume 21 of the series, "Physical activity offers in day-care facilities".

A couple of health and safety activities at the school, like physical activities, safety education, health courses, classroom management, prevention of drug addiction, and more.

International Safe schools is part of a larger movement, the World Health Organization Safe Community movement.

There are many resources and programs that are approved by the International Safe schools Committee to assist in fulfilling the Indicators for Safe schools.

The school programme of NIGZ focuses on promoting health and safety in primary and secondary schools in the Netherlands.

The Roelof Van Echten college was created a few years ago by a merge of several schools. One of the challenges was to develop one culture and vision towards health and safety among the different schools.

On this blog, interesting and useful safety tips for child safety at home and in school can be found

IS THIS school SAFE AT ALL?' is a school safety assessment guide for parents and school owners.

A huge number of school safety courses, provided by SAFEschoolS, Nigeria.

Every October, we campaign for safer schools by sharing tips, information and resources to get schools all over the world taking action on safety.

Safe schools started off with a vision to provide safety education to children in schools. It rapidly became a household name and the go-to and leading provider of school safety services in Nigeria and other cities/countries.

At HPB, we encourage schools to establish a culture that promotes healthy living. Here are some programmes your school can adopt to empower students, staff and parents in supporting this culture.

The Healthy Meals in preschools Programme (HMPP) empowers preschools to provide healthier meals and encourages them to educate children on eating right.

Accident Insurance North Rhine-Westphalia

On this website, run by the Accident Insurance North Rhine-Westphalia, children, pupils and other visitors can click through a unique virtual model of a kindergarten and find out where there are risks and how to prevent accidents and be aware of hazards to make the kindergarten safe for all.

Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists designed five exercises that pupils should complete every day for 15 minutes over a six week period. These exercises were designed to improve core stability and body strength.

Young Life Savers Club (your safety matters) is a subsidiary of Combined Training Solutions Limited (CTS), an international company with its core specialization in Health & Safety training and Consultancy.

Since September 2018, The University of Derby has been one of only four Universities in the country to offer graduate level practitioner competencies for students studying BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies from Stage 1 of the degree.

Learnometer is a device to monitor and examine the learning environment at school to make it healthier and to reduce factors that could make it less healthy.

The following online safety training courses are currently being offered: WHMIS Training Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Training
 Fall Protection Awareness Training 

Trichocare Education now offers a new Distance Learning Course in Hair Science and Trichology. This helps make the discipline more widely available to those in the hair and beauty

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