Leadership / safety and health management / work cultures

Leadership, as well as safety and health management can be very important.

In education and training, these administrational requirements can play a major role to create safe and healthy workplaces.



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The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) strengthens the capacities of Member States to build effective and inclusive lifelong learning policies and systems, in line with Sustainable Development Goal 4. It aims to develop learning ecosystems that work across life, in every setting and benefit everyone through building capacity at local and national levels, strengthening partnerships, and offering data and knowledge.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to address some of the biggest challenges in education and lifelong learning today, innovate teaching and learning practices, and accelerate progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4. However, rapid technological developments inevitably bring multiple risks and challenges, which have so far outpaced policy debates and regulatory frameworks.


The Save a Colleague website is the result of the international Safety Training for Practical Life project, funded by the European Commission as part of the Erasmus+ program. All educational and training materials are collected on the website with the aim of reducing employees' fears about providing first aid in the workplace, increasing practical skills and motivation to provide first aid. Various educational materials are intended not only for employees, but also for the general public.


In the REFLEX project, the relationship between work-time flexibility and work inclusion is being investigated.
The combination of work-time flexibility and new information technology like smartphones and laptops has made it easier for many employees to juggle work and home. This is more important than ever as we have an aging workforce.



Good schools also consciously focus on health promotion and prevention. Because they know that successful learning and working is easier when teachers and learners are healthy and feel good. The handbook provides extensive inspiration for school quality development that is committed to a comprehensive understanding of health promotion and prevention. This is based on the belief that integrated health and quality promotion can support schools in fulfilling their social educational and educational mission more effectively.

Cyberjaya College Kuching

A 2.5-year programme prepares students of safety and health with knowledge and skills that enable them to bring about change in the way safety and health initiatives are implemented in the workplace. This programme is in partnership with a 5-Star University, University of Cyberjaya.

perosh logo

Training on emerging risks in R&D and production of new and advanced materials and nanomaterials: providing systematic approaches to deal with uncertainties.

what works wellbeing logo

This guide is intended to guide schools and colleges in England to take action to protect and promote the health and wellbeing of staff in education settings.

what works wellbeing logo

A report on wellbeing at work in the UK, to explore how wellbeing varies between occupations, how wellbeing changed over time across different occupations, how salary affects wellbeing and how the pandemic affected wellbeing.


SELFIE for work-based learning (WBL) is a free online tool for Vocational Education and Training (VET) schools and companies. It supports them in making the most of digital technologies for teaching, learning and training.

makers red box logo

Maker’s Red Box: More than education - Unique story-based curriculums for schools.

Oxford University Press

The Oxford Smart Curriculum Service provides secondary schools with an evidence-based curriculum, and connects it with resources, assessment, next steps, and CPD.

Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljo logo

Health environment is an approach to health promotion in the workplace, where employees' health is promoted through the organisation, organization and content of the work. The vision for Sundhedsmiljø is that the work itself contributes to employees being healthier at the end of the working day than at the beginning of the working day.

Vision Zero logo

The project Vision Zero provides a collection of papers for employers and managers, for a variety of different branches.

Signed Safety logo

Signed Safety is creating opportunities for companies and organisations to enhance their workplace environment by keeping ahead of the increasing demand for high health and safety standards coming from employees, authorities and the public.

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The core of the PROMIS® service is the online integrated management solution. This application supports and integrates compliance with legislation and management systems in a user-friendly format that accommodates organisations of all sizes and sectors.

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Health-promoting leadership training in day-care centres.

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No education without health: On site advisement in the BGWmobil truck on the subject of safety and health

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Ethics is a fundamental part of health care professionals’ competence and one of the major quality factors in good nursing care. Research shows challenges in learning and applying ethics. Ethical Coffee Room (ECR) is an electronic platform, where the students, nurses and teachers discuss anonymously ethical issues during students’ clinical practice.

YOURS logo

The Toolkit is a document that will guide policymakers and decision-makers on how to meaningfully engage and involve young people. Meaningful youth engagement, particularly in road safety, is something we’ve championed since the very beginning. We believe that young people have a right to be involved in the issues that most affect their lives.

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Youth Development and Empowerment Initiative (YEDI) is an adolescent health organisation that educates, empowers, and inspires youth and community development in Nigeria using sound, proven models.

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The overall objective of the SimE project is to improve nursing students’ ethical competence by creating three common study courses in order to develop more aligned VET programmes.

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With all that’s happening in the world, the time could not be better for a Digital Transformation. So how can digitalization improve Safe Operations?

Hitachi Vantara logo

Hitachi’s Digital Health and Safety Solution offers a holistic, end-to-end solution to maximize people, asset, and shop floor safety.

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Digitalization can bring about a great deal of innovation, productivity and flexibility. Digital technologies are gaining even more ground in occupational safety, improving processes and heightening overall workforce safety.

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If you are interested in building socially, ecologically and economically sustainable communities and interested in transforming systems of teaching, learning and leadership, you are encouraged to apply for the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Sustainability program at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.

Utah SBoE logo

The Utah State Board of Education (USBE), in coordination with stakeholders, has made Safe and Healthy Schools a board priority. The Utah School Safety Framework includes 9 Conditions that schools may follow to create comprehensive safe and healthy school policies, plans, protocols, and partnerships.

Auckland Council Logo

This campaign by Auckland Council in New Zealand aims to promote sustainable education for Students as well as for educators.

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This document highlights best practice pre COVID-19 and provides new information concerning what is a rapidly evolving situation. It was informed by a review of research, evidence-informed resources and tools offered by professional bodies, and a webinar involving experts on work and wellbeing.

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UCEA and the HE trade unions have developed this stress and mental wellbeing resources pack for HE institutions.

Shools for Health in Europe logo

A Methodological Guidebook to become a health promoting school. In December 2019, SHE released a new version of the old "SHE Online School Manual". The old manual needed an update as today it is recommended to move from a focus on schools only to the integration of schools and their surrounding community services, sports clubs, hospitals, workplace etc.

Over 99% of SAP’s employees work at the office, from home, or are mobile. Desk-based work is the norm in the software industry, which is also the case for most SAP employees. As a result, they are exposed to ergonomic problems in the work environment.

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Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d. implements a number of measures to manage and prevent MSDs in the organisation. The company maintains that it is critical to raise awareness and encourage employees to live a healthy lifestyle.

Mental Health at Work Programme logo

Help for drawing up a modern substance abuse programme based on the organization’s needs.

Mental Health at Work Programme logo

The “Supporting mental health at work” material provides supervisors with competence and confidence for building a work community that promotes mental health.

Mental Health at Work Programme logo

Resources and motivation for the second half of your career.

Education Partnerships Africa logo

This initiative partners with rural school communities in East Africa to improve the quality of secondary education.

Saskatchewan Administration logo

Website with a large amount of material for safety and wellbeing of students, teaching tools and materials for teachers.

Robert Bosch Stiftung logo

What is the impact of digitalization or automation on people, on the way we learn at educational institutions and live together in society? And what will our future workplaces look like?

Youth Employment Educational Outreach Game

Paying Attention Pays is a fun, innovative, interactive, educational and rewarding game ...

Electronic Library of Construction Occupational Safety and Health

The Electronic Library of Construction Occupational Safety and Health (eLCOSH.org) was developed to provide accurate, user-friendly information about safety and health for construction workers, employers, researchers and others worldwide.

by Pakistan Safety Council (PSC)

This distance learning and tutor supported course provides safety and health professionals, managers and other learners with the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills on safety and health.

Tools of Change Website Founded on the principles of community-based social marketing. This site offers specific social marketing tools, case studies, and a planning guide for help

This website provides information, resources and links to other websites related to this topic or promoting CPWR projects and campaigns.

ILO online access platform to legal research and training for developing countries.Researchers, law students, policymakers, judges and legal experts in low- and middle-income countries can now get free or low-cost online access to legal information and training from the world’s leading academic publishers.

TUC Education is the TUC's training organisation for workplace reps and union officers. It has an unrivalled reach into Britain's workplaces to provide education and training for workplace representatives.

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