Website for young people at work
The website " (youth with job) is a project of the Danish working environment council BAR U&F (BAR Undervisning & Forskning, which means "Education and Research"). The website aims to gather information about young people. The site is aimed at: young people up to 25 years, teachers in the school, at the upper secondary and vocational education, parents of young people in the labor market and employers of apprentices, trainees or young people in after-school. Behind the site is sector working environment councils , where employers and employees work together to promote a good working environment in the various industries. For the young people, there is a special area of the website, with an interactive safety game and special information. There is also a Facebook page of ungmedjob, as a platform for interactive communication about safety at work, with further advice, photos and videos. More information on the website.
Level of Education: Initial vocational education and training