In the truck, which has been converted to a meeting and action space, educational specialists are given advice on the five most important work safety and health subjects in a day-care center/nursery school and help for self-help is offered. The goal is to do something good for themselves, the team and the children – with small but helpful and efficient tipps and tricks.
This project has been organized by the BGW (Institution for Statutory Accident Insurance and Prevention in the Health and Welfare Services) and the Zweckverband Katholische Tageseinrichtungen für Kinder im Bistum Essen (Association of Catholic day-care centers for children in the diocese of Essen – short:: KiTa Zweckverband). The BGWmobil truck visits one day-care center per day. The educational specialists receive information about the five most common strains at their workplace and get advise to prevent work-related hazards.
Various topics are discussed: for example back-friendly work, treat their voice with care, dealing with infectious diseases or preventing stress. The programm on-site is adjusted to the needs of the respective day-care center. This is a low-threshold offer to improve the health situation of educational specialists.
The BGW presents themselves as a partner at work- and health safety und improves their image
Level of Education: Preschool
Lead Organisation: BGW in cooperation with Kita-Zweckverband des Bistums Essen