Portugal, Portugese

In Portugal there are around 25 Universities and 15 Polytechnic Institutes. Most of the engineering undergraduate curricula include disciplines/courses on OSH. These disciplines, some of which are compulsory and some optional, aim at raising awareness about the need for safe and healthy working conditions and providing students with the basic means to assess the workplace and implement solutions that reduce the risks. The teachers are OSH specialists, usually professors with a PhD in the OSH area. Changes in European and National legislation regarding OSH and OSH competence raised the demand for people with knowledge and skills in OSH matters. The National legislation specified in more detail what the training requirements are to carry out certain OSH tasks (for example, to work as an OSH technician).

Level of Education: Continuing vocational education and training

Lead Organisation: Portuguese Universities, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,Faculty of Science and Technology/The New University of Lisbon

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