Norway, Norwegian

This programme is the only University-level programme in occupational hygiene in Norway, but the programme will address the growing demand for occupational professionals both in Norway and in other countries. The two-year programme (4 semesters) consists of two main components: Theoretical training (first and second semester) and research project/thesis (third and fourth semester). The programme consists of four parts: Part 1: Basic courses (research tools and theory, Statistics, Epidemiology, Disease prevention and health promotion, Medical anthropology, Introduction to occupational hygiene, Introduction to occupational health (15h), Part 2: Chemical and biological factors in the working environment (Monitoring chemical factors in the working environment, Preventive measures for chemical factors, Biological factors in the working environment), Part 3: Physical factors in the working environment (Noise and vibrations, Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation - electromagnetic fields (EMF), Indoor climate, Safety and risk assessment, Environmental pollution, Part 4: Thesis and final examination (Third and fourth semester)

Level of Education: Continuing vocational education and training

Lead Organisation: University of Bergen

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