A school will be certified as a WHO International Safe School if the following 7 criteria are met:
1.2.1. An infrastructure based on partnership and collaboration, governed by a group of teachers, staff and parents (Note: students should be included if reasonably practicable) responsible for safety promotion in school; The group should be chaired by a School Board representative or a school principal or the school principal's representative;
1.2.2 Safe School policies, determined by the School Board and the Community Council in a Safe Community setting;
1.2.3. Long-term, sustainable operational programs covering genders and all school ages, environments, and situations;
1.2.4. Programs that target high-risk groups and environments, and ones that promotes safety for members of vulnerable groups;
1.2.5. Programs that document the frequency and causes of injuries;
1.2.6. Evaluation measures to assess policies, programs, processes and the effects of change;
1.2.7. Ongoing participation in Safe Schools networks - at community, national and international levels.
Level of Education: School
Lead Organisation: Occupational Safety and Health Council (OSHC)