Greece, Greek

Information campaign promoting proper OSH standards, aimed at those people in SMEs in charge of accident protection and prevention. Due to limited financial and organisational resources, SMEs may have very restricted occupational health and safety knowledge and capacity. The project was aimed at employers and employees who carried out duties related to accident prevention and health protection in SMEs – these in turn ensured the widespread dissemination of information on occupational risks and good practice examples at SME workplace level. It was particularly aimed at people who, following a comprehensive training period, would take initiatives and carry out activities related to the protection and prevention of occupation risks. A manual was produced and distributed some 13,000 copies of it. It was packed with good practice examples and aimed at implementing current OSH measures and improving working conditions in the workplaces of SMEs. The information on good practice covered several topics, for example, workplace organisation and work station organisation. It examined the importance of training in equipment usage and the protective measures required in the use of specific machinery. A CD-ROM (16,000 copies) comprising a full set of documentation of the national legislation concerning occupational safety and health, as well as a list of the EU directives and their transposed Greek legislation equivalents was developed. In addition, the CD contained an electronic presentation of existing publications, brochures and leaflets, for example, on OSH issues produced by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and a list of contact addresses for the services responsible for this area within the Ministry.

Level of Education: Initial vocational education and training, Continuing vocational education and training

Lead Organisation: Greek Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

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