Germany, German

Further training for childcare professionals, parents' materials, holding of events with the children centrally in Leipzig and in the area, daily (re)integration of exercise and language promotion and of healthy eating into routine kindergarten activity. Intensive further training measures enabled measurable changes to be attained in routine kindergarten activity and in the children's behaviour, particularly in the areas of exercise and eating habits. (-> See "Gesunde Kindertagestätte - Handbuch für Erzieherinnen" (healthy kindergarten - handbook for childcare professionals. The further training courses for childcare professionals in exercise promotion (2-day further training course), in co-operation with the faculty of educational science at the University of Leipzig and the AOK health insurance institute, have been available to all kindergartens and after-school childcare facilities in Leipzig for a year. Over 250 childcare professionals have already followed the course.A further project, aimed at children in kindergartens and primary schools, is currently being developed.

Level of Education: Preschool, School

Lead Organisation: City of Leipzig, public health authority

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