Singapore, English

This project is an extension of current youth-led health advocacy efforts. Health Promotion Board (HPB) Singapore first efforts in youth health advocacy started in 2005 with the Youth Advolution for Health (YAH) programme targeting youth aged 17 to 25 years old. The YAH programme was led by a group of YAH Executive Committee members to promote youth advocacy. They organised seminars, street outreach as well as campus health activities reaching out to their peers. In addition, the committee members also administered a grant to help youth embark on peer- led health projects. Driven by the success of YAH, this peer-led strategy is extended to secondary schools targeting students aged 13 to 16 years old. It leverages the existing Co-Curricula Activity (CCA) structure in schools that supplements the academic curriculum. Students can choose a wide range of activities that complement their interest and these range from sports-related clubs, uniformed and non-uniformed groups. In September 2012, the health promotion board piloted the first Health Promotion Club in Canberra Secondary School. Students took part in the Student Health Ambassador Workshop which lasts for 7 hours (1-day training) to increase awareness and cultivate basic knowledge about relevant youth health issues as well as to learn how to embark on simple health promoting activities in their schools. The school also organises other activities for these student health ambassadors. For example, they baked healthy cookies during the national Friendship Day and led the school in a workout routine. They also took part in various community health events to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Level of Education: Preschool, School

Lead Organisation: Health Promotion Board Singapore

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