France, French,English

A competition for students of vocational schools and CFA launched by INRS. INRS is organizing "Health and Safety at Work: From school to work, your videos," for students in vocational schools and apprentices. The objective of this competition is to educate young people of the risks they are exposed to in their first steps into the professional world (probationary periods or weekend jobs). The deadline for submitting projects is Friday 19th April 2013 and the awards ceremony will be held Friday, May 31, 2013.
As youngsters below the age of 25 account for 1% of employment and 25% of accidents, INRS made youth one of its priority targets to raise awareness for the prevention of occupational accidents and occupational diseases.
Free and open to any group of students and apprentices preparing a diploma of vocational education in France under the responsibility of a teacher, this competition aims to achieve a collective video on " at work, what do I risk? "A period of maximum 30'' to 2'30, in color or black and white.

Enrollment is via a dedicated page of the Dailymotion site,, which will also host the videos to be posted April 19, 2013 at the latest.
The jury of professionals prevention, education, and a journalist will award three prizes. Winners will be notified in early May 2013 and invited to attend the awards which will be held May 31 in the premises of the INRS, 65 Boulevard Richard Lenoir, Paris XI.

Level of Education: Preschool, School, Initial vocational education and training

Lead Organisation: Institut National De Recherche et De Securité

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