ECR offers 1 credit (27 working hours) for the students. This work included reading theoretical material, contributions for discussion of ethical dilemmas and reflection of one’s own learning. Every user – student, nurse supervisor or teacher – could choose her or his own pseudonym.
The example was conducted in Sweden, Latvia and Finland and is called the Ethical Coffee Room (ECR). The ECR is an electronic platform where students, nurses and teachers anonymously discuss ethical issues during students' clinical practice. The ethical competence to be achieved here consists of: Strength of character, ethical awareness, moral judgment, and willingness to do good. In addition, a strong ethical work climate increases staff well-being and job satisfaction.
The most common ethical issues nurses face are: Abuse of students, patient dignity, or safety dilemmas due to unsafe working conditions.
The training consists of three components: Theoretical material, a forum created by teachers and mentors, and another forum with patient cases or ethical dilemmas provided by the students.
Students liked the digital platform. Feedback from teachers and mentors was highly valued and was an important part of the student learning process. Most students did not change their pseudonym because they found it helpful to recognize other students' pseudonyms and track their comments. A critical factor was the mentors' and teachers' in-depth knowledge of ethical theories and concepts and how to apply them.
Level of Education: Initial vocational education and training
Lead Organisation: SimE