Germany, German

From the Austrian law about OSH experts in enterprises (without international certificate) the AUVA developed this course based on ISO/IEC 17024 and is the only accredited organisation in Austria for certification of OSH experts. Duration: 4 blocks of 2 weeks each plus one week repetitorium including certification examination. € 750,-- for each block; € 300,-- for repetitorium and € 75,-- for certification examination. Courses are hold at several different locations in Austria. Extensive education media (scripts, books, CDXs, information folders etc.). During the lessons for the main topics attendance is necessary. Distance learning by means of the education media is possible. All the participants are personally present during the lessons as much as possible.

Level of Education: Continuing vocational education and training

Lead Organisation: Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt (AUVA)

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