Switzerland, German,Italian,French

SUVA teaches OHS knowledge in trainings and courses. The newest version of SUVAXs educational concept for Occupational Safety and Health, which has been valid since 1st January 2007, considers the differents needs for knowledge for OHS in the companies as the need for maintaining and increasing competence of the OHS experts. The educational concept of the Suva is shapep in seminars based on the following competence levels: - Safety Assistant (8 days) - Safety experts (22 days) > (Occupational Safety Specialists) - Safety engineer (35 days) The educational concept of SUVA is based on three central thoughts: 1. Qualification of a third party (Operations Manager, cadre members, Safety experts etc.) towards an independent and legally conform implementation of the OHS in the occupational environment 2. Maintaining and increasing competences of safety experts 3. Ensuring an equivalent educational offer in all of Switzerland (in all three languages). The practical implementation of the given content, like e.g. legal basics, organisation, psychology and communication, knowledge and methodology, is conducted in the courses according to clearly defined didactic regulations (e.g. goal orientation, relation to practice, and orientation towards action and topics, self-learning phases, exemplary principle, multiplication- and transfer-oriented teaching and learning). The didactic exchange of the topics is achieved with the help of a healthy mix of front teaching, individual or group work, homework with relation to special teachers with working experience in the fields of occupational safety and health.

Level of Education: Continuing vocational education and training

Lead Organisation: Swiss Accident Insurance (SUVA)

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