
A series of ergonomic development activities were undertaken, implemented by Lujatalo’s occupational health officer, a physiotherapist, and the work safety officer. Over a period of 18 months, group training sessions were held at work sites. The training consisted of six two-hour sessions. Risk factors at the sites were evaluated, using observation, photography and opinion polls. Work methods intended to make work easier and lighter were discussed during the training sessions and changes implemented. Feedback provided by the group training sessions was used to develop ergonomically sound practices. Seven ergonomic projects were implemented between 2006 and 2012, with two projects yet to be completed. One ongoing project is aimed at improving well-being in Lujatalo’s administration and payroll department and is concerned with mental, not physical, work. All actions and good practice stemming from the ergonomic ideas were communicated to all Lujatalo’s employees, at work sites throughout Finland. Information was spread monthly through the company’s internal magazine and intranet, as well as by Lujatalo’s occupational health officer and work safety officer during their work site visits. A ‘Builder’s Well-Being’ guide was produced in 2009. It included the ergonomic ideas and was distributed to all work sites. The activities encourage both foremen and workers to consider their own health as well as others in the same work group and to feel positive about longer careers in building. Between 2010 and 2012 sickness absence dropped by 2.4 days per person. This has saved Lujatalo EUR 760,000. Absence due to musculoskeletal disorders fell from 50% to 40% in the same period. This project was commended for the Good Practice Award 2013 of The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA).

Level of Education: Continuing vocational education and training

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