
The project will shed light on the so-called 'Push' and 'Stay' mechanisms hitherto underexposed in research and policy formation. Push are the factors that make individuals feel compelled to leave the labor market before the regular retirement age, ie withdrawal is involuntary, while Stay indicates that factors that make individuals voluntarily choose to remain active, ie the continued labor market participation is a positive choice. The study investigated the push and Stay factors at different levels in the micro (individual), meso (workplace and trade organization) and macro-level (policies). The project is also an intensive communication efforts to contribute to that in key policy environments initiated a debate on Push and Stay factors and how these factors affect the chances of retaining seniors in arbejde.Indsatsen In this context support that discussed solutions to the identified challenges - both at the individual level, business and community level. Communication efforts should also contribute to increasing public knowledge and discussion about the push and stay-factors as well as the maintenance of seniors and a dignified transition to senior life. The project is registered as a cohort study in ClinicalTrials.

Level of Education: Continuing vocational education and training

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