
A Project was initiated with IAEA to conduct SCSA at PNRA with the help of international experts. IAEA prepared training material by involvement of international experts for conducting SCSA. IAEA shared criteria (i.e. in term understanding safety culture) for team selection with PNRA. PNRA selected a multidiscipline team consisting of twenty two (22) officers with team leader representing management. IAEA delivered training to team on SCSA methodology (April 2013): Understanding of Safety Culture and its importance for any organization including regulatory body, Safety culture assessment tools (observations, focus group, interviews, survey and document analysis), Descriptive Analysis and Normative Analysis The training consists of 13 training modules. The SCSA process involves 9 steps from preparing the team and organization, through data gathering and analysis, to reporting of results and development of action plans.

Level of Education: Continuing vocational education and training

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