
Loders Croklaan, a supplier of edible oils, with 450 employees, is a company with an ageing workforce. The nature of the work is physically demanding. The company operates 24 hours a day, and so shift work is required. These factors, together with an ageing workforce, present challenges for the company in terms of ensuring sustainable working lives. Loders Croklaan felt that the most important change that needed to be made was to increase employees’ engagement in managing safety and health. A bottom- up approach was taken: a steering group was set up comprising employees from all sections of the organisation, management representatives, human resources and the works council and labour union representatives in order to compile a project plan that would be supported, and engaged with, by everyone in the organisation. Employee engagement: employees are the source of inspiration for the approach and the company gives them the opportunity to put their ideas about sustainable employability into practice. Workshops held and questionnaire completed by employees showed that the three main areas in need of improvement were shift work, healthy lifestyle and sustainable employability. Three teams were created to each work on one topic. As a result of the recommendations made by the improvement team on shift work, part-time work was identified as a need and job sharing was introduced. This allows employees to work part-time, giving them longer recovery periods between shifts. Awareness was raised and information provided to employees on the opportunities for part-time retirement. Internal traineeship was introduced, and a series of short films was made about each department to demonstrate the types of tasks performed there. Employees can apply for internal traineeships to acquire knowledge in other areas and to gain the necessary skills to change jobs within the company. To encourage employees to make positive changes to their lifestyles, a calendar of events was developed, featuring activities related to nutrition, relaxation and exercise. The company now provides access to a diverse range of activities, including cycling tours, running training, swimming and t’ai chi. A workshop on nutrition was held, free fruit was provided and information leaflets were distributed to raise awareness of the importance of a healthy diet. • The improvement teams established at the beginning of the project continued their work independently after the end of the trial period. • The implementation of a job-sharing system to mitigate the risks involved in shift work was positively received by employees. • Opportunities were provided for internal training to gain knowledge of other areas of work and for moving to other departments. • There was a high level of employee involvement in and awareness of the process, and employees have taken ownership, while the company has an encouraging/ facilitating role. • Various communication channels were used: workshops, meetings, leaflets. • Sustainable employment has become integrated into everyday practice at Loders Croklaan and features on the agenda of management meetings.

Level of Education: Continuing vocational education and training

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