The project targeted occupational safety and health in Portuguese dentistry, where OSH risks are often underestimated or little understood and where most of the staff are women working in very small firms. The project seeks to develop a website for dental professionals: dentists, dental hygienists, technicians and assistants. The project’s aim was to get round organisational and logistical problems by using new technology. Problems in using conventional methods included shortage of time, costs and travel. By creating a website, they hoped to provide on-the-spot information and support with a view to improving understanding of OSH issues and reducing exposure to occupational hazards. Awebsite attached to the main site of the Portuguese Dentists’ Association was developed. It was specifically designed for oral health professionals (dentists, dental hygienists, dental laboratory technicians, dental assistants) who work mainly in small firms in the private sector. They launched the project at the annual meeting of the Portuguese Dentists’ Association in November of 2003 (this is one of the country’s major health-related events and well attended). All participants received on arrival a promotional leaflet. Another two leaflets were distributed with the monthly bulletin sent out to the 5 000 members of the Portuguese Dentists’ Association, as well as a further two update mailings.
Level of Education: Continuing vocational education and training