
MEPMIS is a project aimed at helping line managers in SME’s across Europe tackle the impact of the inappropriate use of alcohol and drugs in their workplace. The inappropriate use of substances by employees causes problems for many European employers, including increased sickness absence, lower levels of performance and reduced productivity of staff. That in turn can undermine the firm’s competitiveness and profitability. In small and medium size enterprises line managers and supervisors have a key role to play in developing and promoting good corporate practice in minimising the effects on the company of the inappropriate use of alcohol and drugs by staff. However it is line managers and supervisors, who may well use alcohol or drugs themselves, who are required to take action when someone they manage uses substances in a way that impacts on their ability to do their job. Unfortunately, guidance for managers on how to act in these circumstances is often inadequate, incomplete or missing altogether, and many companies do not possess the tools to enable managers to deal with substance use at a corporate level. The MEPMIS project was designed to tackle these problems. The project created an e-learning package, accessed via the MEPMIS website, which teaches line managers practical ways in which they can help minimize the impact that the inappropriate use of substances has on their organization. Project objectives: 1. to identify the learning and skill needs of line managers in European SMEs in terms of addressing substances use, work and employment; 2. to use the experience gained in two UK training projects to develop a training resource; 3. to identify and incorporate innovative experience from the UK, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands and Poland into the training resource; 4. to develop the resource to publishable condition – including textual development, piloting, evaluation, publication, launch and dissemination. Outcomes: • Dedicated website with an e-learning platform. • Expertise and capacity to develop and provide ‘face to face’ training courses in each of the partner countries. • Resources on the subject of substances and work which can be used by line managers and supervisors in SMEs and larger companies.

Level of Education: Continuing vocational education and training

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