How can processes in the daycare center/nursery school be made more efficient, simpler and faster and how to reduce burdens caused by administrative tasks for the educational specialists.
In a current pilot project, the BGW is testing if the use of a digital application can help to facilitate organisational and administrative tasks for educational specialists.
In company with an external software company and educational specialists from different daycare centers/nursery schools an existing special nursery school application was modified and extended with specific functions. With these functions administrative and organisational tasks (e.g. arrangment of appointments within the team, holiday planning, documentation of learning) can be done digital. The digital application also has a BGW-Infopoint where relevant information regarding Occupational Safety and Health are provided. Currently the evaluation is in progress to examine if the reduction of administrative and organisational strains could be achieved by using the digital application.
Level of Education: Preschool
Lead Organisation: BGW (Institution for Statutory Accident Insurance and Prevention in the Health and Welfare Services)