United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, English

CSEC believes that children's lives should be made as safe as necessary in order to eliminate unacceptable harm, not as safe possible. If young people do not experience real, controlled hazards and dangers, then they will not develop the skills necessary to deal with these. By encouraging participation in activities where children - Gain the necessary background knowledge - Identify hazards and the danger they may present - Decide what activities are acceptable and not acceptable - Learn how to increase activity benefit and reduce activity harm - Develop physical skills and understand their own abilities and those of others 'Risk competencies' will be developed - building up the skills , knowledge and confidence necessary to keep themselves and others safe. Thus, practical safety education will equip young people with the skills to enjoy a wide range of activities throughout their lives. The CSEC Toolbox covers road traffic injuries, drownings, poisonings, burns and scalds as well as trips and falls.

Level of Education: Preschool, School

Lead Organisation: Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA)

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