France, English

Throughout the duration of the project, the AI4T partnership has implemented innovative training methods for teachers, reporting a great success. Designed and tested in the 5 participating countries, the project involves a professional training pathway that has reached a total of 1,005 teachers from 302 European schools. It is aimed specifically at teachers of pupils aged 14 to 17 with expertise in foreign languages, mathematics or science. The educational resources created, including a MOOC and an Open TextBook, as well as hybrid training sessions, are now available to anyone wishing to meet the challenges of AI in education.

In order to ensure high-quality training, the impact of the training pathway was analysed at national and transnational level using a quantitative and qualitative evaluation strategy involving a test group and a control group. A total of 738 teachers, 204 headteachers and 7551 pupils completed the evaluation questionnaires. Moreover, 88 teachers and 18 headteachers took part in semi-directive interviews. Thanks to this participative approach, following an initial trial phase in 2022 and its preliminary results, the resources were improved and offered in the classrooms for an experiment lasting several months in 2023/2024.

The partnership is now proud of the results achieved and of the interest shown in this project at European and global level. The AI4T MOOC and Open Textbook are currently being translated by countries outside the partnership, enabling new teachers to become more confident users of AI-based resources, which will help them to improve their practice.

Level of Education: School

Lead Organisation: France Education International

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France Education International
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