National Network
Centre for Labour Studies (CLS)
The Centre for Labour Studies (CLS) is an independent, educational, documentation and research centre at the University of Malta. It longs to strengthen the University's link with working persons, employers and the world of work at large and promote social dialogue, active involvement and the effective participation of workers, and their representatives, in specific workplaces and in labour policy more generally.
To pursue this mission, CLS seeks to establish healthy working partnerships and promote synergies between academics, government, trade unions, employers and other actors from civil society involved in the field of labour relations, organise educational programmes aimed at sensitising people actively involved or interested in labour issues to current trends, relevant concepts and analytical tools pertinent in this area. The center acts as a national monitoring agency and clearing house for trends and developments occurring in employment and industrial relations and carries out research, consultancy and disseminate information on issues related to industrial and employee relations in Malta and abroad.
Since 1997, the CLS has been offering a Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety. Malta’s main crop of occupational health and safety practitioners has derived primarily from graduates of this diploma programme. In 2016 the Centre started offering this course at a Bachelor level as a Degree (Honours) in Occupational Health and Safety.
To pursue this mission, CLS seeks to establish healthy working partnerships and promote synergies between academics, government, trade unions, employers and other actors from civil society involved in the field of labour relations, organise educational programmes aimed at sensitising people actively involved or interested in labour issues to current trends, relevant concepts and analytical tools pertinent in this area. The center acts as a national monitoring agency and clearing house for trends and developments occurring in employment and industrial relations and carries out research, consultancy and disseminate information on issues related to industrial and employee relations in Malta and abroad.
Since 1997, the CLS has been offering a Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety. Malta’s main crop of occupational health and safety practitioners has derived primarily from graduates of this diploma programme. In 2016 the Centre started offering this course at a Bachelor level as a Degree (Honours) in Occupational Health and Safety.
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Health & Safety Unit
The Heath & Safety Unit of the Directorate for Educational Services of the Maltese Ministry of Education, Employment and the Family.
The unit is working to promote awareness among all students on health and safety issues.
There are sixteen peripatetic H&S teachers in all. These work in pairs as follows: four teams of two service the primary schools of three colleges per team in Malta, while the fourth pair service Gozo; another pair services the ‘special’ schools by which we mean the six schools for children with special needs and any place where children learn that is not a regular college school; while the last pair are running a H&S program particularly designed for the school leavers of the secondaries especially those who are not academically inclined and who would probably not continue their education beyond Form 5.
There are also two other teachers, one in Maria regina and the other in Gozo teaching the very young in a project named “Catch-‘em-young”.
The unit is working to promote awareness among all students on health and safety issues.
There are sixteen peripatetic H&S teachers in all. These work in pairs as follows: four teams of two service the primary schools of three colleges per team in Malta, while the fourth pair service Gozo; another pair services the ‘special’ schools by which we mean the six schools for children with special needs and any place where children learn that is not a regular college school; while the last pair are running a H&S program particularly designed for the school leavers of the secondaries especially those who are not academically inclined and who would probably not continue their education beyond Form 5.
There are also two other teachers, one in Maria regina and the other in Gozo teaching the very young in a project named “Catch-‘em-young”.