Location: Online

Strategies to promote physical health in education

screenshot joint online event june 2022


The online workshop was held on 23 June 2022 online as a contribution to the priority area "MSDs and future generations" within EU-OSHAs campaign "Lighten the load 2020-22". The event was aimed at the Focal Points of EU-OSHA, the international community of ENETOSH as well as persons and organisations dealing with physical health issues in the context of learning and the education system. The workshop was organised by ENETOSH in cooperation with EU-OSHA and supported by BAuA as the German Focal Point of EU-OSHA.

53 experts from 22 different countries participated in the event.

After the opening by Ulrike Bollmann (Institute for Work and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) – Coordinator ENETOSH) and Lorenzo Munar (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) – Content Manager of EU-OSHAs campaign 2020-22) and a small interactive survey using the online tool sli.do, various presentations highlighted different aspects of the topic:

  • Kerstin Schmidt (BioMath GmbH, Germany): "Results from a scoping review on musculoskeletal disorders among children and young people"
  • Lorna Taylor (JollyBack, UK): "How to deal with the problem? Experiences of a Chartered Paediatric Physiotherapist"
  • Peter Paulus (Leuphana University, Good Healthy School (GHS), Germany): "Commonalities and differences between the SHE and the Good Healthy School approach in preventing musculoskeletal disorders and promoting good health"
  • Heinz Hundeloh (Senior expert, Germany): "Better schools by promoting exercise and preventing MSDs in schools"

After that, the participants had the opportunity to discuss in small groups about the role of physical activities in their own institutions and how these could be implemented in school and work-life.

A special highlight of the session was the keynote speech held by Arjen Wals on "Transformative Learning for socio-ecological sustainability using the Whole-School-Approach". Arjen Wals is Professor of Transformative Learning for Socio-Ecological Sustainability at Wageningen University in The Netherlands where he also holds the UNESCO Chair of Social Learning and Sustainable Development. He was asked by Maria Klotz from the Institute for Work and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) in Germany, for the consequences of Education for Sustainability (EfS) for education and training in Occupational Safety and Health (OSH).

After this, a panel with Tim Tregenza (EU-OSHA), Prof Peter Paulus (Leuphana University, Germany), Martin Leitner (Pedagogical University of Upper Austria) and Maria Klotz (IAG of the DGUV, Germany) discussed how EfS and Mainstreaming OSH into education can complement each other.

At the end of this very inspiring and succussful event, all participants had the opportunity for questions and remarks, before most of them switched to wonder.me to continue networking.

Please visit the EU-OSHA website with a report from the event as well.


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