Location: Bilbao

Give Musculoskeletal Health to Children and Young Workers

Joint Workshop With EU OSHA In Bilbao
EU-OSHA in collaboration with ENETOSH organised a seminar addressing the issue of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) among young people and workers. The seminar was organised in the framework of an OSH overview project on MSDs and with a view to the upcoming Healthy Workplaces campaign ‘Lighten the Load’, to start in October 2020.
The event served as an awareness-raising activity on the need to promote good musculoskeletal health at an early age. Participants exchanged ideas in small groups led by experts on four different aspects: research, policy (OSH – ergonomics), practice (mainstreaming OSH into education), and communication (body self-perception).
All attendees participated in expert-led discussions in four small groups and covered the four different perspectives. Each group discussed a number of different questions with the aim of achieving a common result from each perspective, by funnelling down in specifity.

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