SC Meeting Zagreb

A video by and with Lucie Kocůrková, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, on ENETOSH, provided an impressive introduction to the work of the network:

The following topics were discussed during the lively meeting: EU-OSHA's current and future work like the campaign 'Safe and healthy work in the digital age' 2023 – 2025, and five key principles for sustainable networking that build the basis for the work of ENETOSH Task Force 3 (Tim Tregenza, EU-OSHA and Cleo Varianou-Mikellidou, European University of Cyprus): The current status of the network and the collection of examples of good practice on the topic of safe and healthy digitalisation in education and training (Ulrike Bollmann, DGUV-ENETOSH and Claus Dethleff, 3c-ENETOSH): The results of the project 'Mind safety – Safety Matters!' (Andrea Bikfalvi and Nuria Mancebo, University of Girona, Spain) that were recently published in Safety Science: Tanja Nordberg from the Metropolitan University in Oslo (OsloMet), Norway, reported on the REFLEX project (2023-2027) and sensitised the audience to the possible consequences if teachers do not perceive their work as work at all:

The second part of the meeting was dedicated to the activities of ENETOSH Taskforce 1, 2 and 4:

Maren Jennings, Leuphana GmbH, presented the latest developments in the Good Healthy School Initiative as part of an ongoing three-year international project: Professor (em) Johannes Siegrist, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany, summarised the results of a project on the integration of UN SDG 8 in universities in Europe (2020-2022) and introduced the new project of Task Force 2 on the integration of SDG 8 in universities on the African continent:
Vinka Longin Peš, introduced the Croatian National Network using the example of the Croatian Digital Strategy 2032 to illustrate how this goal is being implemented, which explicitly refers to the integration of digital technologies, their advantages, but also to the need to "consider the well-being of educators and children, as well as potential negative effects of inadequate application and use of digital technologies in teaching...”:

Finally two upcoming events were announced: The 12th WOS Conference, 22 to 25 September 2024 in: and the Global Initiative for Safety, Health and Well-being (GISHW) at EXPO 2025, 16 to 19 July 2025 in Osaka, Japan: In Osaka, the 20th anniversary of ENETOSH will be celebrated 😊.

Please click to open the presentations:

- EU OSHA update and report back on sustainability by Tim Tregenza, EU-OSHA
- 18th ENETOSH Steering Committee Meeting by Ulrike Bollmann, ENETOSH and Claus Dethleff, ENETOSH
- Riding the wave of sustainability by Andrea Bikfalvi & Nuria Mancebo, University of Girona
- Regulating work time in the digital age – the case of teachers by Tanja Nordberg, Work research institute
- Task Force 1: Good Healthy Schools Initiative (GHSI), by Maren Jennings, Leuphana University
- Report Task Force 2: Integration of UN SDG 8 into professional education in African Universities by Johannes Siegrist
- Conference WOS 2024 by Lucie Kocůrková, Technical University of Ostrava
- Global Initiative for Safety, Health and Well-being (GISHW)
  by Ulrike Bollmann, German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) - ENETOSH,
  Selçuk Yaşar, Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Türkiye and
  Tanja Haraldsdottir Nordberg, Metropolitan University (OsloMet), Norway


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