17th ENETOSH Steering Commitee meeting

The President of ENETOSH, Ulrike Bollmann, took the opportunity to congratulate Lucie Kocurkova from Technical University of Ostrava on the completion of her successful Erasmus+ project OSHDigit. ENETOSH was involved in this project as an associated partner and member of the advisory board. She recommended all participants to have a look at the OSHDigit website and especially to watch the great video there: https://oshdigit.vsb.cz/
Peter Paulus provided an update on his Good Healthy School project. Peter and his colleague Maren Jennings will be collecting good practice examples of the whole school approach worldwide. The project is now funded by DGUV for a period of three years.
Vinka Longin Pes provided detailed information on the upcoming European Forum of Insurance against Occupational Injuries and Diseases, which will be held in Zagreb in June 2024 under the Croatian presidency: https://www.europeanforum.org/events/4843/ . She will organise the next ENETOSH Steering Committee meeting as a side event to the conference, currently scheduled for June 4.
Our special guest, Tim Tregenza from EU-OSHA, provided insight into the structure of EU-OSHA's Focal Points and the opportunities for ENETOSH to increase collaboration between our networks. ENETOSH is an official partner of the new EU-OSHA campaign "Safe and Healthy Work in the Digital Age" for the fourth time and is particularly focused on the impact of digitalisation on the health and safety of teachers.
Ulrike Bollmann underlined the importance of future cooperation with other networks to achieve synergies and make the OSH networks more sustainable. She informed about the renewal of the MoU with ENSHPO in May this year. In addition, ENETOSH will contribute to a new working group on digitalisation of the ISSA Education and Training for Prevention Section. Hülya Ünver proposes closer cooperation between the OIC-OSH network and ENETOSH, based on a long-standing relationship between the two networks in the past.
Alice Lam, representative of the Hong Kong OSH Council, one of the newest members of ENETOSH, proposed to continue the discussion at the upcoming joint meeting of the ENETOSH Network with the ISSA Education and Training Section. The meeting will be held on October 26 from 9:15 to 11:00 a.m. at A+A: https://www.basi.de/aa-congress/

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