Location: Real Marina Hotel & Spa, Olhão, Portugal
16th ENETOSH Steering Committee Meeting

After a warm welcome by the chair of the Steering Committee, Vinka Longin Peš of the Croatian Health Insurance Fund and the network coordinator, Dr Ulrike Bollmann, it was time for a short celebration. The relaunch of the ENETOSH web platform www.enetosh.net has been successfully finished. All areas of the website have been migrated, including the database containing more than 1000 examples of good practice. The new community area provides profiles of 290 experts at the moment, users can set up new profiles or work on their own profile. Furthermore, a new ENETOSH newsletter has been released in September 2022, in a new format as an electronic newsletter, available on the website.
Ulrike Bollmann then presented the highlights of the work in 2022, including reports, publications and presentations at various events. Some new network members werde introduced, as well as the Members Benefits Working Group and the Working Group of the Statute of the ENETOSH Editorial Committee. The Taskforce 1, "Dissemination and implementation of the 'Good Healthy School' internationally" had a re-start, and there is a follow-up project of the Taskforce 2 "Integration of SDG8 into higher education".
After the report of the coordinator, the ENETOSH road map for 2023 was introduced and discussed, as well as some activities, collaborations, updates and events that are planned in the framework of the further work of ENETOSH.